The Coal Pile by Amanda Auchter Jeffrey flung his left arm across his face and rolled over. He had kicked the scratchy army-issue blanket off in the middle of the night, and now...

Set for Life by Jack Conway The red bird had been a nuisance to Edna Flint for weeks. The bird had been chirping loudly, in a fir tree, just outside her kitchen window, not in a melodic, bird song way, but...

Another Night Lost by Kenji Crosland The shells were coming at regular intervals now; the Benedict could hear them rumbling in the distance. It was a common dance: when they got too close he'd...

Taking Care of Business by Peter De Vries I was flying back to Brisbane, my home town. Usually I return to Brisbane for Christmas. All my relatives...

Daughter of Kings by Marcy Lehtinen That girl over there, that floozy with the big crown, got the national sales queen award for one reason and one reason only. I’ve been watching her...

Stolen Gestures by Jennifer Prado The sign on the student travel board said, Europe Awaits Brave New Girls, Call Kate. The sign gave her phone number, so we called...

Under the Hood by Vidya Srinivas I waited for Cokie. I hated waiting for her. I searched among the crowds of girls surging out of the gothic column supported verandahs and under the banyan tree...

Raventalk by Don Stockard Na-shook lay motionless on his stomach on the edge of the snow—covered ice, his ivory-tipped harpoon poised in his right hand.

Two Poems by Greg Braquet

A Poem by Linda Conlin

Four Poems by Adam Irving

Three Poems by Scott Malby

Two Poems by Corey Mesler

A Poem by Marty Hanson-Roscoe

Two Poems by Tom Sheehan

Two Poems by Marie Wadsworth

Two Poems by James R. Whitely

They Like to Touch by J.H.Clues There's a little red and white windmill in the front yard, and I look around half expecting to see Quixote and Sancho somewhere...

An Island of Loss and Pancakes by Rob Hunter My dad disappeared on our camping trip to the Thousand Islands when I was sixteen years old. My father and I had to go home without him...