
Religious Experience

Enveloped in the Blanket
of the Night—in the Car

The ride through the night
was a prayer.
Not to God.
Straight through the Heartland
to the Heart.

Summer 2005 Issue

Spring 2005 Issue

Autumn/Winter 2005 Issue

Summer 2004 Issue

Winter 2004 Issue

Summer 2003 Issue

Editor's Note


SNR's Writers


Rest Stop Poem

Luminous Ball
Full Harvest Moon of Fall
Low on the Horizon
Mellow Golden Amber

On the Road
To Mother
First Love, Last Love
The one who called me Pumpkin

Hallow Eve
Hello Moon
Beacon Beckoning!

Fall on the Road

O Autumn Day
Painfully Beautiful
with September 11th Clarity

O Land
Skin of the Earth
O Trees
Rounded Breasts
Standing Up
O Leaves
Hairs on a Mound
Tinting Red and Gold
Raising Up
Right to the Light
Autumn of Life

Thanks Giving, November 19

I smelled and kissed a wild rose
on a bush at the corner
of Fifth and Healey.

I drank its water
not its dew
its rainwater
bubbling droplets on its pink petals
thanking it for all the beauty
it has given.

Or should I thank the rain?

Rita Faulkner is preparing to deposit her thesis in Comparative Literature at the University of Illinois for a doctorate specializing in French, Arabic, and English postcolonial literature. She successfully defended her dissertation, “National Allegory: Land and Body in Nawal El Saadawi and Assia Djebar” in May 2005. Her interests, however, include other “non-Western” literature and religions such as Japanese literature and Buddhism. The poems are tinged with Buddhist thought and were composed in the fall of 2004, three while driving and two while walking. In addition to having been published previously in SNReview, she has published “Assia Djebar, Frantz Fanon, Women, Veils, and Land” in World Literature Today and “Ce Sexe qui est deux, ce sexe qui est Dieu” in Dalhousie French Studies.

Copyright 2005, Rita Faulkner. This work is protected under the U.S. copyright laws. It may not be reproduced, reprinted, reused, or altered without the expressed written permission of the author.